It's official. I am now old, or at least middle-aged. What prompts this declaration is that I had a colonoscopy the other day. Of all the things I did not envision having to do yet, this would be near the top of the list. The procedure was deemed necessary due to some problems recovering from my surgery. The thing about a colonoscopy is that you have to have a "prep" day, where you drink nothing but clear liquids in order to prepare for the procedure. Without going into details, let me just say that if I never have to drink Gatorade ever again, it will still be too soon. The procedure is a bit of an indignity in itself, but you never realize the full extent of all the indignities until you go through a prep day and then a pre-op prep with the nurse on the day of the procedure. The good news is that I have an absolutely beautiful colon. I have the pictures to prove it (which you'll be grateful will not be displayed here), and trust me, it is mighty fine looking....
"This Is The Right Place"