The First Presidency has long been encouraging those of us in Utah to get more involved politically, and sent out a letter saying as much. The letter also stated that both parties have good principles, and encouraged us to attend our local caucuses. So this week, I attended my local Democratic caucus. A couple of years ago, tired of the CONSTANT phone calls and emails from the Republican party, of which I was then a member, I changed my status to Unaffiliated. I was also disappointed in how extreme our state legislature has become, to the point of making us look completely ridiculous, not to mention gerrymandering our political districts, just because they don't like that a particular Democratic incumbent candidate keeps defeating them. I figured changing my status was my own way of making a point, but that was about as "political" as I was willing to get. So it was a big deal for me to attend a caucus at all, let alone a Democratic one. But I figur...
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