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Showing posts from August, 2017

Provo River Falls

On our way back down to Kamas, we stopped for a few minutes at River Falls. There are multiple rivers that have their source in the Uintas, and in this spot, it's the Provo River. The pictures don't really do it justice, but the water comes down almost like an escalator, and is very scenic. There's a boardwalk trail that goes long it and it was definitely worth the photo op.

Mirror Lake Diner

After having some issues with Cyndee's trusty stove on Friday night and an uncooperative fire, we decided to go with a cold camp yesterday morning. After breaking camp, we made our way down to Kamas, and the Mirror Lake Diner, where I loaded up on some tasty pancakes and hot chocolate. It was a fun little joint, with great service.

Tracie Goes Camping

When Cyndee and I were planning the Lofty Lake excursion, she said camping overnight might be fun. Now, I'm not normally much of a camper, but in what must have been a moment of not necessarily clear thinking, somehow I agreed to the idea. Now, I have (or thought I had) all the necessary camping gear, but I choose to store it for my apocalypse preparations, rather than ever get it out. Nevertheless, I dutifully packed up my gear and prepared for an overnight out. We found a spot in a beautiful small campground called Butterfly Lake. For me at least, we could not have been in a better or more scenic spot. It was so peaceful and serene, and just so pretty. And other than a tent that was too small for a 5 foot four inch grown woman, and being stuck all night in a mummy bag contraption that left me barely able to move, and being so cold I had on two pairs of socks, sweats, a long-sleeved shirt, a fleece jacket, and my trusty black beanie, and not sleeping the entire night, I enjoyed ...

Lofty Lake Trail

A couple of weeks ago, the Salt Lake Tribune posted their "Hike of the Week", which was a trail in the Uintas to Lofty Lake. The article made it sound amazing, and not too difficult. Plus, I had never spent any time in the Uintas.  It sounded like just the place for me to go to get away briefly from the stress of my work situation, and before the Fall Semester classes begin tomorrow. My pal Cyndee agreed to join me for the journey. Now, everything I had read online before rated the trail as "easy to moderate", and only a 4-mile round trip. However, when we arrived at the trailhead, there was a sign that said something along the lines of "The trail to Lofty Lake is steep and rocky at times", and rated it as moderate to difficult. Oy! Nevertheless, we started on our way.  The scenery was breathtaking, and the air was cool and fresh. But I have a bone to pick with the phrase "at times". I take that phrase to mean "occasionally". Howeve...

Larry Crowne

About this same time last year, I was going through a rough spell, and after an extended period of thought and prayer, I decided to take a leap of faith. Thus began my Grad School journey. It was something I felt in my heart was the right thing to do, but at the same time, incredibly frightening. Here I was, a woman of a certain age, about to spend a boatload of money to train myself and embrace a new career path, with no guarantee I would be successful. Right around this same time, I discovered a movie that really spoke to me, as the main character was undertaking a similar journey. The movie is "Larry Crowne", directed by and starring Tom Hanks. And I've watched it countless times since. It takes place during the recent recession and is about a guy of a certain age who gets laid off from his job. He's had a pretty secure, but over-extended lifestyle. A gas guzzling car he can no longer afford, and a home that's worth less than he owes. In the process, he decid...