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Showing posts from August, 2018

New Calling

In the LDS church, members are asked to serve in various ways. Church leaders come to us and ask us to take on a formal service assignment. No matter what is is we're asked to do, whether the task is large or small, we consider it a very sacred responsibility. Our "callings" generally last for a year or two, and then we're "released" and "called" to fill another assignment. Several months ago I was released from my calling as a Relief Society Teacher, and have been without another calling since then. It's the longest I've ever gone without a formal calling, and I have to say, I have struggled a bit not having one. I believe in serving in the church, and I felt a bit off. I prayed for an opportunity to serve somehow, and did my best to help out where I could. But I still just haven't felt quite right. Well, the opportunity finally came today and I was asked to serve as the ward choir director. Of course I accepted. Now lest you think t...

Family Heirloom

Back when I was home over the New Year, my mom gifted me with a treasured family heirloom. It's an antique anniversary clock that belonged to her Grandmother. All my life, for every move, the clock went with us. Sadly though, I can never remember the clock having worked. So, when I brought it home, it was with the intent to see if I could get it fixed. I even managed to get it home in one piece, thanks to Mom's packaging efforts. I happen to live in a neighborhood that has a family owned clock shop, that's been in business since the 1940's. I took it to them, and they assured me they could get it up and running again. I handed it over to them, and they had it for about 6 months (they have quite a backlog). Finally, about a month ago, the shop called to tell me it was ready. I ran down to the shop, and got a quick lesson in proper care of anniversary clocks, then brought it home. The great news is that the clock runs! And it's beautiful! As a time keeper however,...

Temple Night

Made it to a late session of the Jordan River temple last night, my first session there since it was rededicated. I walked out of the session around 10:00 PM, and this was my view. The temple was so bright and the moon was so lovely, I couldn't resist a quick picture.


My friend and former visiting teacher dropped by the other night with a big bag of tomatoes fresh from her garden. And what does one do with that many tomatoes, and it's stifling hot outside? One takes said tomatoes, puts them in the ninja blender and makes gazpacho. And I have to say it was particularly delicious because of the homegrown tomatoes. It's how gazpacho should always be made. YUM!

Watermelon Party

I have some pretty great neighbors. A couple of weeks ago we got together for a community watermelon party out by the pool. There was plenty of watermelon, plenty of music, plenty of chit-chat, and a good time was had by all. And I have to say, the watermelon smoothie was amazing!

Smiling Kitty

Look at that cute smiling face. I think I have a pretty happy kitty...