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Hurray for Good Men!

Just a shout out to all the wonderful men in my ward. Sometimes we girls may not be real good at recognizing it, but I for one would like to say a big thank you to all those men who graciously provided assistance today. We had a major snowstorm today that arrived just in time for the drive to church, and if there's anything I've learned while I've been in the ward, it's that travel to the church and into the parking lot can be very treacherous in the winter. I arrived early and parked in the clinic parking lot, and as I walked up the hill to the church, there were several of them, Bishopric members included, shoveling the walks and clearing the parking lot. Later, after meetings were over, many of them escorted the sisters down the hill to the clinic, cleaned off cars, pushed cars out of the snow that were stuck, and helped us get around other cars who had blocked us in. They all were my heroes today. Hurray for men!


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