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Family Dinner

My sister and brother-in-law, and nephew stopped over on Thursday, while on their way down to Texas.  They are moving there in a few weeks, and were taking some time to get my brother-in-law situated there, while she looks around for housing options.  Luckily, Salt Lake is on the way, so I was fortunate to play hostess to them.

While they were here, I thought it would be fun to also invite over his brothers that live here and their families, since he doesn't get to see them very often.  So I made some Hawaiian haystacks, and some panipopo, and while the adults ate and visited, the kids ran wild. Or tried to. Even though my place is large enough for me, put 6 adults, and just as many kids in it, and it all of a sudden seems to shrink.  But nonetheless, it was great to see everyone.  

Unfortunately, my nieces couldn't make this trip with them, as they all need to stay and finish school.  But I look forward to seeing them all again in a few weeks, when the big move actually happens.

Visiting with the brothers, and listening to them talk to each other in Samoan is always a pleasure.  They tell stories, and laugh with each other, and you can just tell how happy they are to all be together.  I'm grateful they're part of my eternal family.


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