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Tracie Meets Mike Holmes

I'm sure you're all aware of my love for a certain Canadian HGTV Host named Mike Holmes. I love his shows, I follow him on Facebook and Twitter, and I've even been known to dream about him coming to my house to "Make it Right". I'm just perhaps a wee bit obsessed.

So imagine my delight when I saw his tweet early Friday morning that he would be at a free event in Salt Lake on Saturday. Of course I signed up right then and there. Monty or no, I was going to get a chance to meet and get a photo with Mike Holmes. After all my discouragement of the previous few weeks, this was another boost to my low spirits.

My friend Heather is also a huge fan of his, and she met me early yesterday morning at the Sheraton Downtown for the big event. And Mike did not disappoint. He took a photo with everyone, said hi, asked our names, and was just as friendly as can be. He also spoke about "Making it Right".

Of course, there's always a catch when you get something for nothing. The event was hosted by a company called Pathway Events. When I read my confirmation email a little later, I saw that they call themselves a "provider of financial education". So we did know going in that we'd have to sit through some sort of spiel. But what we didn't know was that in order to meet our hero, and get our photos, we would have to sit through several hours of con men speaking to us about how to make money in real estate, in tax liens, and in stocks. Or that the lunch which was promised would turn out to be nothing but a snack. Or that we had to stay to the bitter end in order to get our photos. Heather I must say was a very good sport. She brought her tatting, and I read a book on my tablet, and we would look at each other and roll our eyes when they would promise payouts of 18% with minimal investment on our part.

But stay we did, and as a result, we got our photos. Hallelujah! Happy happy joy joy! Make it Right!


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