You know you've reached a certain age when you start waking up in the middle of the night sweating. Last night I woke up about 11:30 PM, hot enough to turn the a/c on. Here it is October, and I was turning on the a/c. Confident that with the a/c on, the temp would go down enough to be comfortable, I went back to bed. Howevuh - I woke up again about 2:00 AM, thinking I was sweating to death. I went into the hallway to turn the a/c down, and the thermostat showed that it was only about 65 degrees in the house. I'm sweating to death and it's only 65 degrees? Obviously, turning down the a/c is not going to help. If I didn't know it before, I certainly knew it now. It would seem that I'm officially into perimenopause. Here's your sign. I'm not sure how I feel about all this. Getting the occasional gray hair was one thing. While I thrill at the anticipation of no period ever again, it also means I'm getting older, and soon I'll have to start p
"This Is The Right Place"