I don't do a whole lot of family history these days. I've run in to some dead ends, and frankly, the #FamilySearch website is so frustrating that I don't want to go anywhere near it. But a few weeks ago I discovered the "FamilySearch Memories" app. It's basically a way to upload photos, stories, and recordings, and tie them to your FamilySearch account. And inspired by my sister and her girls, who are major fans of Ancestry's "Who Do You Think You Are?" tv show, I downloaded the app and started uploading old family photos. It was easy peasy, and I didn't have to spend a bunch of time scanning photos. We then spent a lot of time over the Labor Day weekend having an informal "Family Tree Gathering", where we looked at all the photos together and figured out which ancestors were which, and how we're descended from them. It was great fun to share this with my nieces and nephews. Adding to the fun was helping my parents down
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