Nephew #2 up and ruptured his appendix last weekend, poor kid, and ended up undergoing emergency surgery at Primary Children's Medical Center. I had occasion several times when I was a kid to spend time at Primary Children's for various tests and Doctor appointments, and I don't remember it with pleasure. My childhood memory is full of white walls, sterile hallways, and the smell of alcohol and ether. If there was anything fun or comfortable about the experience for either myself or my Mom and Dad, I certainly do not remember it. But they must have learned something over the past many years, because my nephew and his family's experience this past week, at least from my perspective, was night and day different. Today, I'd like to give a shoutout to Primary Children's Medical Center, Intermountain, Ronald McDonald, Steve Young, eBay, and a host of other organizations for making a difficult and unnerving situation so comfortable, and almost pleasant. From in-room
"This Is The Right Place"