The Netherlands is a very tolerant country, and for the most part, this has served them well for hundreds of years. But because of this attitude, most everything is now considered legal. Things that would be considered vices here in the States are no big deal over there - prostitution and marijuana are prime examples. It was also the first country to allow same-sex marriage, and gender-neutral restrooms are widely available. Another thing that Amsterdam is very well-known for is having a "Red Light" district. And many people come to The Netherlands to participate in all these things outside their home countries. As a covenant-keeping member of the LDS church, I was determined to stay away from those things, and in particular, stay away from the Red Light district. And we were able to do that, until our last evening, when we wandered in there by accident. Amsterdam is well-known for its many churches, and we had gone to visit some of the more famous ones, the Old Church (O
"This Is The Right Place"