I happened to catch a BYU devotional last week, that was given by a professor and coach named Craig Manning. He's an expert in "mental toughness", and is routinely hired by big-time athletes to help them get to the next level. One of his quotes that really grabbed me and got me to thinking was that "faith begins with how you talk to yourself". I've been pondering about that, and I think it is true. In the Book of Mormon, in Alma chapter 32, we are taught about faith, and how to obtain it. In this chapter, the Prophet Alma compares faith to planting a seed. We have to plant the seed, and nurture it, and if it sprouts up, we know the seed was good. This ties right back in to the quote from Coach Manning. We have to tell ourselves that the seed is good, and that is where faith begins. If we were to plant the seed and nurture it and see it sprout, then tell ourselves the seed is bad, we're not expressing faith. Coach Manning has written a book, which I&
"This Is The Right Place"