I thought I would put together a list of my favorite things about Thanksgiving. So here's my "Top Ten": 1. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. It just seems to start the day off right. 2. Football. It's the only time anyone ever watches and roots for the Detroit Lions. 3. It's the only time of the year where we sing "Over the River and Through the Woods". 4. You have left-overs for several days after. 5. It's the one day all year where it's bad form to worry about your weight. 6. It's the only time when it's ok to eat multiple helpings of dessert. 7. You have an excuse to not listen to Christmas music before you're ready for it. 8. An after dinner nap. 9. It's the only time of year you get to go around the table and say what you're grateful for. 10. Black Friday is a paid company Holiday.
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