It's hard to imagine, but it seems my bird woman efforts have possibly been a little to successful. Because it seems that birds are what you could call "sloppy". Kind of a like a college student's apartment. They also like to invite their friends, and then fight over the fixins. Even though it's been fun observing my little guests, it hasn't been so much fun for my geranium plant, which is covered in bird seed. And it hasn't been so fun sweeping the balcony twice a day. They've also started getting a little daring and coming right up on the balcony. So I think the bird feeder will be coming down for now, til I can find a better way to manage it. In the meantime, I checked out the Birds of North America website, to see if I could figure out the different varieties that were visiting. And as near as I can tell, here's who's been in the neighborhood, with a few photos from the website. American Tree Sparrow Black Capped Ch...
"This Is The Right Place"