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Mi Vida Loca

Life has gotten pretty busy recently. I was sort of expecting it, knowing that managing both work and school would get to be a handful. But nevertheless, that has definitely come to fruition, and in the midst of trying to do it all, the most recent round of seasonal virus hit me (and I have bitter thoughts about the co-workers who decided to share it). But thankfully I am mostly recovered from that. Anyhoo, as the song says, "welcome to my crazy life!"

This isn't to say that I haven't been enjoying the craziness. In a weird way I have. I absolutely love school, and so far my Penn State experience has been wonderful. I've got some great professors, and wonderful people to worth with on my project teams. But MAN! It's a lot of work, and I'm exhausted.

In an effort to bring my stress and anxiety down, which is definitely trying to get the better of me, I was fortunate to be able to change my work schedule. I now work Mondays and Fridays from home, and I'm back to an 8-hour day. Hallelujah! I'm hopeful that will help me to wind down. And once I'm completely recovered from the coughing crap, that I'll be able to get back to working on my goals for the year, and focus on being of good cheer.

As I was praying this morning for more ideas on how to conquer the stress, a couple came to mind, one of which was to just "Keep the Commandments". Not that I feel like I struggle in this area, but it is always a good reminder.

The other idea I'm not ready to share just yet. But if it pans out, I will definitely provide an update.


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