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Road Rash

Well, it finally happened.  It was bound to, really.  Tracie went for a bike ride this morning and boy - she bit it big time.

To set the scene: It was a beautiful morning, and I'd already been for a walk.  I did a few things around the house, and then thought it seemed like a nice morning for a bike ride.  Now, I've had the bike for awhile now.  But I'm not that good on it.  I still haven't figured out how or when to shift gears, and hills are a big problem for me.  It doesn't help that my neighborhood is at the top of a small hill.  So lately I've taken to loading the bike in the car, and heading over to the old neighborhood and Liberty Park.  Basically I ride around the park for a few laps, load the bike back up and then come back home.

So today, it being a beautiful morning, I followed my usual process, loaded up the bike and headed over to the park.  For some reason, along the way, I thought to myself "You know, you really ought to say a quick prayer for safety."  So I did.  I got to the park, unloaded the bike, put on my helmet (ALWAYS ride with a helmet) and started on my first lap.  Somewhere around half or two-thirds of the way around, there were several cars backed up in the drive, and they were all so close to the edge, that it left no way for me to safely go around them.  I got the bright idea that I could ride up on to the sidewalk and ride around them that way.  Big mistake.  I wasn't at a good angle for going up over the edge of the drive and on to the sidewalk.  My front tire skidded and wouldn't go on to the walk, and I got dumped on my butt.  Not really my butt I guess - more like my entire right side.

Another rider had just gone by me in the opposite direction when the said dumping occurred.  He stopped, and the nice gentleman asked if I was ok (by the way, I do not recommend this option as a way to meet nice gentlemen).  I told him I was and thanked him and hurriedly went on my way.  I did have some scrapes, but mostly what was wounded was my pride, and I tried to pretend it never happened.  I managed to finish that lap and a couple more, but by then my heart just wasn't in it, so I loaded back up and came home.

I do have some road rash, the worst of it being on my knee and shoulder.  I've also got the beginnings of a terrific bruise on my right hip.  But other than that, none the worse.

Moral of the story: It never hurts to pray before you go, be careful trying to ride onto a sidewalk, and ALWAYS wear a helmet.  And of course, if anyone asks, pretend nothing happened.


The Perry Family said…
Sorry you fell - hope you feel better and that the bruises go away soon!
Shellie and Joshua said…
You are a warrior sis. Be careful you crazy lady!

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