At work this last week, we've started working on our individual goals for the year. You know, the ones that talk about what you're going to do to help the company make money this next year. In a surprise move, this year we were also encouraged to also have a personal goal of some kind. What to do? I thought and thought about it. I could say I'll lose 20 pounds, but since I keep gaining and losing the same six pounds, that seemed a little unrealistic. I thought about maybe doing a 10K (and by that I mean walking a 10K), but that didn't seem like anything I'd have to work really hard at. No - it needed to be something that was doable, but would make me stretch a bit.
Well, this month's Ensign came along, and I was struck by a particular article that encouraged having a garden. The article said that even people with limited space, or that live in cities can still have a garden. Right then and there, I knew I had my goal. Now, I know next to nothing about gardening. I know it takes seeds, soil, water, and sunlight, but beyond that, I have no idea. So - it's time for me to learn. I plan on using containers, and I have an idea of some of the things I'd like to try, and I've been doing some reading up on it. I know I'll need lots of advice, though, so I'll be looking to all you gardeners out there for assistance. I've decided that to make my goal measurable (because every work goal needs to be measurable), I will take pictures of my garden as it progresses, and I will also take at least one item harvested in to work and show it off so my boss can count it.