So there's been some controversy lately where some prominent coaches have behaved badly, tried to cover it up, been caught at it, and are now facing the consequences. And fans of their respective teams are now in an uproar, the general attitude being that "as long as said coaches are helping us win, what does it matter what they do in their personal life, or how they go about winning?" Well, I for one beg to differ.
My own feeling is that if it talks like a rat, looks like a rat, and smells like a rat, even in it's personal life, it's still a rat, and will continue to be in it's professional life. And I don't want said rat having any influence over impressionable young (or not so young) players, or over me as a fan. Same holds true for certain politicians who are serial offenders. If you have no moral discipline, how can I believe that you will have discipline and integrity in the rest of your life?