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She's a CBAP

Back in August, I told you about applying to sit for the Professional Certification exam.  Well, since then, I have spending a large portion of my time in studying for the exam.  I was given a year before I had to take it, but I felt inspired to get it over as soon as I could.  With Christmas coming up, I wanted to have it done in time that I could actually focus on the Holiday.  So I registered with the testing center for date, and yesterday was D-Day.

To give you an idea of all my preparations, I set aside one hour every weekday in my work calendar where I would just sit at my desk and study.  If I had a day off during the week, or worked from home, I spent that hour studying at home.  I have to say that it was very difficult material. As often as I have participated in study groups and reviewed the Business Analysis manual, it was still very difficult material to try and retain. It was also just a lot of material.  I spent time browsing online study resources, downloaded a study guide to my Nook, and took some practice tests to familiarize myself with the types of questions. Since I felt I couldn't focus on everything at once, I tried to identify areas where I was weaker, and spent my time on those.  I also spent a lot of time praying over the material and asking for the Lord's guidance in my studies.

Finally last week, some final preparations.  I drove by the testing center, to make sure I would have no issues finding it (and wow, was I glad I did). I sent an email to all my family, asking for their prayers.  I asked my brother to give me a blessing. I reached out to m Facebook friends and asked for their prayers, and for those who are non-believers, I asked for their good wishes.

Finally, yesterday I arrived at the testing center with a mixture of confidence and nervousness.  I signed in and had to store all of my belongings in a locker.  My pockets had to be emptied, which they verified by making me turn them out in their presence. I also had to pull up my sleeves and my pant legs to make sure I wasn't hiding anything, then I needed to be scanned with some kind of wand. This was just to get in the door to take the test.  

Once I got to the testing station, and actually sat down, the test took about 3 hours. It was pretty difficult.  I tried to go slow, make sure I actually read every word of the question, and if I didn't know it right away, I marked it to review later. Then I went back through the ones I had marked, and answered them. Then I went back through the entire test to make sure I was comfortable with all my answers. When I finally decided that I was, I went to click on the Submit button, but right then I got a bad case of nerves. It took me a minute to get or two to get over that, but finally I submitted the test, and the results came back right away.  I had passed.  I was overjoyed and a little teary-eyed. I was also exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally.

So I guess the moral of the story is that personal development is good for us, that the best personal development challenges us, and that we can do hard things if we are willing to put in the necessary effort.  And when we're losing faith and thinking that we won't make it, we need to circle the wagons and ask for whatever help we can. Whether that be calling upon the Lord, or our family and friends, or both for guidance and encouragement. These things don't usually happen on their own.  I'm grateful I had people who believed in me, and helped me believe in myself, to make it happen.


Wonderful accomplishment! Super proud of you sister!! :)

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