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New Job

This past week, after a little over 3 years at SelectHealth, I left my role there and started a new job. It's difficult to really know how to share the journey that got me to this point, but let's just say it was full of trials and miracles, all at the same time. My career at SelectHealth was difficult to begin with, and became even more so this past April. For months I had been looking for a new job, off and on, without success. But it eventually got to a point where something needed to change, and quickly. 

Towards the end of April, in desperation, I applied for a couple of jobs, and changed my LinkedIn profile to allow recruiters from other companies to reach out to me directly. The following Monday, a recruiter from C.R. England Trucking company sent me a note. He didn't know if I was open to opportunities or not, or if I knew anyone who was, and sent along a job description. Now, let's just say that a job in the trucking industry was never at any time on my radar. To say it was outside the box is an understatement. But - I took a look at it, figured "what the heck", and replied back saying I was looking and would be happy to have a conversation. We talked by phone later that afternoon, and I sent him my resume. And really, the rest is history. 10 days and 2 interviews later, I had a job offer.

From the beginning, I felt comfortable with the opportunity. The job description looked like a perfect fit for all the things I'd been contemplating regarding where I wanted my career to go. And I was very impressed with the Recruiter - all my interactions with him were so professional, and timely. The interviews with the hiring manager and her team were comfortable, and I could tell it was a smart group of people. I could also tell they got along well together. The atmosphere was more casual, and had a lighter feeling. I could see myself working there and being happy. From beginning to end, the entire situation played out exactly as I knew it would.

This isn't to say it wasn't still difficult to leave SelectHealth. As hard as things were there, I do have a number of friends, and I was sad to leave my association with them. SelectHealth helped me move on from IHG, and it also put me on a path to graduate school. Those things would not have happened if not for that job. So for that I'm definitely grateful. But I never felt it was the perfect job for me, and the harder I tried there the worse it got. It was definitely time for me to leave.

This all gets me to last Monday, when I started my C.R. England career. And I have to say, it was a great week. I shadowed a number of people, watching them work, and asking them questions, and in general getting to know the company. I actually find it all really interesting! My new boss and teammates are very nice, and hardworking. The atmosphere is light, yet fast-paced. It's a blue collar environment, yet still professional. I'm happy to be there.

If I were to identify some lessons learned through this experience, I would pick the following:

  1. I needed to open up to people and let them know I was struggling. This allowed my family, people in my ward, and friends to offer support. I can't tell you how many times people reached out - letting me know of job opportunities, sending me emails and text messages, putting my name on the temple prayer roll, and in general letting me know they were thinking of me.
  2. Next I would say that taking the self-reliance classes, and following the steps and trusting the process  was so important. I made and kept commitments, and followed up on every suggestion. Some of them didn't play out, but in the long run, none of them were a waste of time or money. It gave me a lot of practice and preparation.
  3. Finally, trusting the Lord and his timing. If it had been up to me, I'd have had a new job a year ago. But it may not have been as good of a fit, and I wouldn't have learned the same lessons or been blessed in the same ways.
So - here we are. In an unexpected place for sure. But a good one.


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