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This Ain't No "House Hunters"

Well, it's been quite a week.  Much has happened and big changes are in store for me.  In a nutshell, I have found a new apartment and will be moving in two weeks.  Hallelujah!  Those of you who are fans of "House Hunters" or "For Rent"on HGTV, know that it makes the process look so easy.  You're given a few properties to choose from, you make your selection, and you're done.  Well, let me tell you it is not nearly that simple.  For me, it took several months of effort to find it.  

I started the process probably back in the summer, but didn't get after it full force until September or so.  And boy, was it a lot of work.  I scanned the ksl and craigslist websites practically every day, even joined a rental finding agency (what a waste of $65), and tried to get the word out amongst all my friends and associates.  Anything that looked promising I would drive by and check out.  

I figured that while I was looking, I would get a start on packing.  So I packed several things and put them in the storage unit.  Of course I went for the easiest things first, meaning books and videos.  And I've since been without them all since October.  No joy for a movie-lover, that's for sure.  The longer it took to find a place, the less I packed.

Some of my friends went and looked at properties with me and bless her heart, Angel even drove around endlessly with me for a couple of nights.  After all this, nothing.  So I figured it must not be meant to be and by last month had basically given up.  I even offered all of my boxes to people who I knew were moving.  Thank goodness there were no takers.

I finally decided to check ksl one more time last week, and lo and behold, this place was one of the new listings.  I drove by that night, and it looked really promising from the outside.  I got hold of the landlord the next day, filled out an application, and waited (impatiently) to get inside to see it.  I finally saw it Monday night with Angel.  We both liked it, and Angel really liked the landlord.  It has two bedrooms, a carport, washer and dryer hookups (no more sharing a laundry room!), and hardwood floors.  Plus, it's in a nice neighborhood.

I thought about it and prayed about it overnight, then decided the next morning to take it.  I even went down and put a down payment on a new washer and dryer (this after seeing the laundry room completely covered in clothes that the neighbors had just left there, grrr).  Last night I signed the lease, and paid the deposit.  Thank goodness I still have all the boxes, because now the fun really begins.

I'm a little nervous about everything.  It is going to be more expensive, and it's a different neighborhood than I'm used to.  I may even have to leave my ward since I will no longer be in the boundaries.  But I'm looking forward to decorating and putting my own stamp on the place.  I'm looking forward to moving out of the basement.  I'm looking forward to not having to clean my car off in the winter anymore.  And I'm looking forward to having my own laundry area, and to leaving behind annoying and nosy neighbors (hopefully none of the new ones will walk by and look in my windows).  Let the fun begin!


WONDERFUL NEWS! I didn't realize that you were going to be in new ward boundaries, but maybe that's a good thing. You'll just have an opportunity to make even more friends. :) Send pictures soon!!!
Holley said…
Hooray for Tracie!! Hey, I've got a gazillion boxes (the best kind--sturdy, handles, etc.) if you need some.
Angel said…
Hey, it was totally my pleasure to drive around with you and help you in the search! I think you've found a winner!! :)

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