Went for my home inspection yesterday. I confess, I was half-way hoping there would be issues, so that I could sound the alarm and my hero Mike Holmes would come to save the day and "Make It Right". Cooler heads prevailed however, and other half of me is thankful to report that there are no major issues with the house that Inspector Barry could see. So, we are one step closer to completing the sale. Later this week, the appraisal.
For probably the last 10 years or so, I've had pretty much the same hairstyle. For the most part, it's been long, all one length, and I would eventually put it up in a ponytail almost every day, because I couldn't stand having it in my face. It drove me crazy, but I didn't know what to do with it, and at the same time, I liked that I could basically get up and go every day without a lot of effort. For the past several months now, I've been threatening to do something different and drastic, and finally, yesterday, I did. At the recommendation of Angel, I made an appointment with her stylist. It took several weeks to get in, but finally, the day arrived. Angel went with me, for moral support, and to be the photographer. I went in with some basic ideas, but after some consultation and looking at photos with Francine, this is what I ended up with. First, the "before" shot: In process: And finally, the finished product: I can't remember the last time