This Tuesday, I will celebrate the completion of my fourth month on the job at SelectHealth. Over the last four months there have definitely been ups and downs as I've tried to find my way, build relationships, and learn the insurance and healthcare business. It's definitely been challenging, and at times exhausting. There's things I like, and things I definitely don't, and things that are downright weird.
For example, I work with a lot of men, all of whom are software and quality engineers. And it frankly gives me the heebies when they go in to meetings with said nurses, and start talking matter-of-factly about things like vaginal deliveries, and breast reductions (as they apply to our software product). I'm a female, and I can't even say those things. The first time I ever had to use those words in an email to a group of mixed company, I about died of embarrassment.
On the whole, things are going well. I'm working hard, I'm figuring things out, and I even received my best ever work compliment. It's not often that I feel appreciated like that, and it made me feel really good.
I like the people I work with, I've had a fabulous mentor, and according to my manager and supervisor, I've been a great fit for the company and the team.
I told myself when I took the job that things would probably feel kind of weird for 3-6 months. And that has indeed been so. But on the whole, I'm so much better off than I was before, and I know the Lord has been blessing me along this journey. Here's to 4 months!
For example, I work with a lot of men, all of whom are software and quality engineers. And it frankly gives me the heebies when they go in to meetings with said nurses, and start talking matter-of-factly about things like vaginal deliveries, and breast reductions (as they apply to our software product). I'm a female, and I can't even say those things. The first time I ever had to use those words in an email to a group of mixed company, I about died of embarrassment.
On the whole, things are going well. I'm working hard, I'm figuring things out, and I even received my best ever work compliment. It's not often that I feel appreciated like that, and it made me feel really good.
I like the people I work with, I've had a fabulous mentor, and according to my manager and supervisor, I've been a great fit for the company and the team.
I told myself when I took the job that things would probably feel kind of weird for 3-6 months. And that has indeed been so. But on the whole, I'm so much better off than I was before, and I know the Lord has been blessing me along this journey. Here's to 4 months!