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Bad Form AT&T!

Had a really weird day yesterday, and it left me just feeling completely out of sorts. It started with attending a funeral for a gal I hadn't known well, but had been kind to me when I had needed some kindness. She had been in my ward, and passed away from an aggressive form of cancer. It was a very emotional service. She had come from a large family, had many friends, and had been a firefighter. Her fire department was there in full force, and performed an honor guard afterwards. The honor guard was incredibly touching and it all left me pretty spent.

After I left the service, I noticed that I had a couple of text messages, but I noticed that the attached pictures weren't coming through. I've had this happen before, so I got online to chat with AT&T. The agent checked my account, and couldn't find any reason why it would be happening. Nothing on my plan had changed. After doing some initial detective work, she asked if my operating system had updated recently. I said it had, in fact AT&T had pushed the update last week, and didn't even give me an opportunity to decline the update. She then said there was a known defect with Samsung phones on this operating system, and talked me through a workaround. The workaround entailed turning off wifi, turning off power save mode, and turning on the mobile network. We confirmed that worked, and the agent was all ready to happily sign off. But in the words of Lee Corso, "NOT SO FAST!" 

Now, I can be gullible. Just ask my brothers. But I'm also naturally suspicious. And I was not about to leave it like that. Turning off wifi and running on 4G would mean only one thing - my data charges would absolutely go through the proverbial roof. Which I'm sure AT&T was only to happy to allow, but I wasn't. I kept her on the chat, said there must be another way to handle this, can you escalate me to anyone, etc., etc.Especially since I saw this as AT&T's fault for pushing the update to a phone they knew would have an issue with it. I kept pressing her, and finally, she said we could try backing up and resetting the phone. I said ok, let's do that, and she talked me through it. What she didn't tell me, was that I'd lose ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. 

You see, resetting a phone means that you pretty much DELETE EVERYTHING. You lose all of your text message conversations, all your pictures (so long all pictures of Gram and of my nieces and nephews), all of your contacts, and all of your applications need to be reinstalled. Now, had I known this is what it would do, I likely would have waited until I'd stored everything. But she didn't say that, and now, here I am in crisis mode, trying desperately to get people to send me their contact info. But I can see the attached pictures in text messages, and wifi is turned on. Seems like a high price to pay either way you slice it.

After all this, I promptly disconnected the chat. I hope I don't have to talk to that agent ever again. After having been with AT&T for over 10 years, I'm seriously rethinking staying with them. This after an exhausting and emotionally draining morning. It left me anxious and out of sorts the rest of the day. Very bad form AT&T!!!


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